Bowers Personalized e-mail

Bowers faculty along with CS and IS PhDs can get an email address (, which forwards to their Cornell email address (  This is different than a CIT provided @cornell email alias.

Please note: As of July 20, 2020 Two-Factor Authentication for all student accounts is enforced. This may require some changes to your email clients.

  • Sending from personal Gmail account no longer works
  • Cornell Cmail will allow you to add your @cs or @infosci alias under Settings -> Accounts and Import -> Send mail as
    • Cornell CMail account can also be added to your Gmail App on mobiles.

To send as personalized email from an Mail client such as Thunderbird (v77 or higher, use these settings):

  • For SMTP Server enter:
  • Port: 587
  • For Username enter: <Cornell NetID>
  • For Password enter: <NetID Password>
  • Authentication Method: OAuth2
  • Connection Security: STARTTLS

Departure from Cornell

Upon departure from Cornell, users will still receive mail sent to personalized address but will no longer be able to send from it. This is due to the account de-provisioning that happens at the University level as shown here: IT Services available with your new relationship to Cornell.

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