VPN Connect from off Campus

Use of the Cornell Virtual Private Network (VPN) service will allow you to connect securely to Cornell resources from remote locations, and allow your Cornell device to stay up to date.  The VPN connection will enable you to Work Remotely.

Ithaca Campus Staff

Tech Campus Staff

Temporary and Student Workers

Academics (Faculty, Lecturers, Grad Students, Research Assistants, etc.)

Unit VPN Pool Name
Applied Engineering and Physics: <netid>@en-ap-vpn-acad
ArXiv: <netid>@en-ci-vpn-acad
Biomedical Engineering: <netid>@en-bm-vpn-acad
Center for Applied Mathematics: <netid>@en-am-vpn-acad
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering: <netid>@en-cb-vpn-acad
Civil and Environmental Engineering: <netid>@en-ce-vpn-acad
Bowers Computing and Information Science: <netid>@en-ci-vpn-acad
Computer Science: <netid>@en-cs-vpn-acad
Earth and Atmospheric Science: <netid>@en-ea-vpn-acad
Electrical and Computer Engineering: <netid>@en-ec-vpn-acad
Information Science: <netid>@en-is-vpn-acad
Materials Science and Engineering: <netid>@en-ms-vpn-acad
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: <netid>@en-ma-vpn-acad
Operations Research and Information Engineering: <netid>@en-or-vpn-acad
Program of Computer Graphics: <netid>@en-cg-vpn-acad
Statistics and Data Science: <netid>@en-ss-vpn-acad
Tech Campus: <netid>@ct-vpn-acad
Tech Campus, Johnson Graduate School of Management: <netid>@ct-vpn-jgsm

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