Distance Learning Classes

Below are setting and operational recommendations for using Zoom for online classes. Using the various recommended settings, your classes via Zoom can occur as a live interactive event, be recorded and later published as a video stream via the web. As Zoom is an individual user based solution, the originator of the event needs to set up the events and various options.


Before Your First Class

Install Zoom

Schedule Your Class in ZOOM

  • Go to: https://cornell.zoom.us
  • Select “Login” on the upper right corner
  • Login with your Cornell NetID & Password
  • Under the Profile Screen, Select Meetings
  • Select ‘Schedule A Meeting’
    • Add your course title (Name & number) under “Topic” (The topic header will be the recorded file name)
    • Select First Date or Class Session
    • Time (The nearest time before your class starts)
    • Duration (Length of class + half an hour)
    • Select ‘Recurring Meeting’ (Establish recurring weekly meetings based on the schedule for your class)
    • Select an end date for your class
    • Ignore ‘Registration or Meeting Password’
    • Turn on ‘Video for Host & Participant’ (Everyone will have the option to turn this off during the session)
    • Audio set to default
    • Once Zoom has processed the scheduled meeting, you will receive an email from Zoom with a link to copy and share with your class or meeting participants
    • Please access your class roster either via Canvas or Faculty Center to download the student NetIDs or Email addresses in order to copy/paste them onto your Zoom invite
  • Additional Documentation

Configure Your Meeting’s Settings

In the settings menu for your given class/meeting series

  • Select “Enable join before host” (This option will allow people to connect and wait in a lobby prior to the event leader joining)
  • Select “Mute participants upon entry” (This option will mute people by default, and prevent noises from disturbing the meeting)
    • Participants will have to turn off the mute in order to speak
    • Turning on the mute by default will help minimize audio loop backs with two or more community members in the same room
  • Select “Record the meeting automatically
    • This option will automatically start and end the recording as the host joins and exits
    • This will record the class or meeting for future use
  • Select “In the cloud” (for the recording)
    • This will record the class or meeting in the cloud, and the recording will be available here a couple of hours after the session
  • The recording will not be available to the students until these steps are taken
  • Provide Zoom Invitation to participants

During Class

  • Start the Zoom application and log in using the SSO Login with your NetID and NetID password
  • Join the Zoom meeting scheduled for the class
    • Join with Video and Audio
  • Share your screen: Click on the Share icon in the middle of the screen to share your slides – you’ll need to have your slides open on your desktop to select them
    • When you share your screen, you’ll see a yellow outline appear around the perimeter of the screen that is being shared – this indicates what your students will see
  • Be sure to “End Meeting for All” at the end of the class and start the recording save process

After Class

Directions for sharing the recordings: You will receive an email with information about the recording a couple of hours after the class is over. This recording will not be available to the students until these steps are taken:


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