Network Change Requests

The ITSG serves as the network coordinator for College of Engineering, Bowers Computing and Information Science, and the Tech Campus. ITSG staff will submit requests to CIT on the unit’s behalf in order to facilitate network changes as requested by the community.

Note: For phone service, please contact your department's telecom coordinator who will work with IT@Cornell Phone Services.


Submit a Data Network Request

If you would like to make any changes to your data networks please submit a ticket to the ITSG Help Desk.

Please remember to include the following information:

  • Initial Account Number: For the one-time fees associated with the change, add, move, or disconnect of a data port.
  • Ongoing Account Number: For recurring monthly charges.
  • Department, Building, and Room(s).
  • Jack Number(s) (Typically printed on the network jack. If you cannot locate the jack number, IT staff can assist you.)
  • Type of Service: Describe the nature of the work and the future use of the network.
    • Are you adding, removing, or changing the network and services?
    • Is this a staff or faculty office?
    • Is it a lab, research space or classroom?
    • Do you know the Gateway IP address and/or VLAN (below)?
  • Who should IT staff contact to gain access to the room?
  • Any additional information you think we may find useful.


Completion Time for New Activation: IT@Cornell estimates 3-10 business days from the time all required information is submitted.

Urgent Requests: If your request is urgent, please note that in the ticket. The ITSG will work with IT@Cornell to expedite the process.

Determining the Correct VLAN

VLANS (Virtual Local Area Networks) is the grouping your computer(s) are on. Which VLAN you are on affects what other devices and services you can access. VLANS are organized by department affiliation and usage groups.

  • Staff: Staff computers and offices
  • Academic: Faculty and grad student computers
  • Instructional: Classrooms and labs
  • External: Conference rooms

If you are not sure which VLAN your request should go on, ITSG staff will make a determination based on the information you provide. Changing the VLAN at a later date is subject to an IT@Cornell OCC/Data Change Existing Circuit charge.


Wireless Internet is provided by CIT:

Departments who would like to establish or improve Wi-Fi in their areas can consult with Cornell Information Technologies (CIT) to do a survey and estimate the cost to install wireless access points.


Learn more about the ITSG

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IT@Cornell Services