Lab Support


Department Labs

The ITSG provides support to the majority of teaching and research labs in the College of Engineering, Bowers College of Computing and Information Science, and the Tech Campus.

Use and Scheduling: Please reach out to your department staff for questions about lab use and scheduling policies.

Door Access: Is coordinated between your department and you local Facilities support.

Virtual Labs: In addition to the physical lab spaces provided by your unit, the ITSG also supports virtual lab spaces where departments have identified a need.  Contact your embedded IT staff for more information.

Shared Instructional Labs

The Carpenter Blue Room/Accel, Upson 225, Phillips 318 are shared instructional labs.

Use and Scheduling: To request use of one of these spaces, email:

Lab Software: These labs share the same base software load out found here: Instructional Lab Software

Remote Labs: A limited virtual lab environment for remote use is available: Remote Instructional Lab

Software Licenses

Software used in the labs is provided by Cornell software agreements or by your units.  Specialized software may require funding for from your unit.

Semester Startup

Prior to the start of the semester (Early August and January), please submit a ticket with any software or special requests for upcoming classes.  Please submit software installation requests 2 weeks before the software is needed.

Learn more about the ITSG

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